WALCOTT Hamilton Lewis
HAMILTON LEWIS WALCOTT *March 1853, Tenby Wales, ≈15th June 1853, Tenby Pembroke Wales, occupation Medical doctor, † 22nd April 1911, City Club Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. Trained at St Bartholomews London and later at Edinburgh for his FRCS. He arrived in SA in 1880. On his DN his father's name is incorrectly given as JOHN. He was the District Surgeon in Vryburg. On 2nd DN his property of seven £5 notes; cash £2/14/10; 2 canvass bags containing a quantity of skins; 1 rug; 1 portmarteau; 1 gladstone bag; 1 medal watch and chain; 1 cheque book and papers; 2 suits of clothes; 1 overcoat; 1 macintosh; 3 fountain pens; cigars and spectacles; quantity of linen socks etc; 4 prs shoes; 1 letter case; shaving materials; 1 hat and walking stick in possession of Arthur Affleck secr of the City Club was requested to be returned to his son. He could be Ω in Vryburg.
x date unknown, JESSIE ADA SYMS, *1860, Cape Town, [d/o SYMS and CARY] † 25th October 1922 , Royal South Western Hospital Oudtshoorn, Ω October 1922, Old Cemetery Oudtshoorn-Anglican section. Arthur Tiran [son-in-law] signed her DN and was also executor of her estate. . She was one of 8 children. Her estate included Erf 143 at Vryburg measuring 225 square roods/139 square feet deed of transfer 6626 dated 29.05.1913; Erf 144 at Vryburg measuring 295 square roods/139 square ft. ; Household furniture in her home in Norfolk Villa, Burg Rd., Rondebosch.
b1 LUCY SARAH WALCOTT * 18th February 1882, Cape, † 7th March 1967, Komani Home, Queenstown, Ω 28th March 1967, Oudtshoorn Old Cemetry-Anglican 81-82. . x 26th April 1905, in St. Jude's Church Oudtshoorn, GEORGE ARTHUR TIRAN, * 22nd December 1877, Sea Point Cape Town, [s/o JULIEN JEAN JOSEPH TIRAN and ANNA SUSANNA TRUTER] † 8th September 1967, Port Elizabeth, Ω1967, Oudtshoorn Old Cemetery-Anglican section.
b2 AMELIA JANE WALCOTT * 1883, Cape, † 1968 Nickname: AMY x1904, WILLIAM CHARLES BAIN DE SMIDT. After her husbands death she moved to Torquay in Southern Devon
b3 GLADYS GEORGINA WALCOTT *24th April 1886, x date unknown, THOMAS BOURKE, xx date unknown, ARTHUR CECIL BURRIL, * 13th August 1872, † 1969.
b4 HAMILTON JAMES COURTLAND WALCOTT * 8th September 1887, † 1961 x date unknown, EVANGELINE JESSIE BASSET.
b5 JACK WALCOTT * in England, occupation Manager of farm in Delmas, † 19th July 1916, WW1 Dellville Wood France. Imperial Contingent 12.6.1917. Number 2303 Private in 4th SA Infantry killed in action. His Mother JESSIE ADA and aunt GLADYS BOURKE [of National Bank House Aliwal North] were executrix. His mother stayed in Northfolk Villa, Burg Rd, Rondebosch, CT at this time. When he died he was only 27. He was unmarried. His father was already deceased.
b7 HOWARD HUGO MATTHIAS PEARCE WALCOTT *10th September 1901, † 26th July 1975 .Twin to HARRY. x 2nd October 1924, DAPHNE ANNE WHITE, † 25 June 1977.
b8 HARRY LIND KELSAL CORNISH BOWDEN WALCOTT *10th September 1901, S.A. Twin of Howard. x date unknown, JOCELYN MARY HAWKER.
Info from aunt Helen Nov 2003/Family Register of the SA Nation by Dr. DF Du TOIT MALHERBE R929.2MAL p1139/Dave Moore-UK-IGI listing Vol 11a p561/LDS Micro film #1281529 entry 1097-from Ellen Stanton/Marriage Vol 26 page 1075.
DN KAB MOOC 6/9/671 Ref 1837 signed by son. Also DN KAB MOOC 6/9/665 ref 1097
DN KAB MOOC 6/9/2373 ref 2905.
DN-MOOC 6/9/918 Ref 1943/See War memorial
Researched and compiled by:
Annatjie Tiran.
Additonal data contributed by:
Gary Westermann.
Place and date of burial:
Maitland Cemetery Records 1888 - 1950
Surname: Walcott
First Names: Hamilton Lewis
Age In Years: 58
Date Of Burial: 24 April 1911
Depth: 7 Feet
Allotment Name: Episcopalian
Number Of Grave: 1803B
Particulars: Selected Full Plot
Surname Of Minister: James
First Name Of Minister: E
Designation Of Minister: Reverend
Page Number: 233
Additonal data contributed by:
Gary Westermann; 16 Sep 2018.
- Hits: 11737