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The Khoi-San People

SOURCE Glen Arendse & Pedro Dausab

Atshumao - /Han kass'o
Oedesoa, Gonnema - Wilta
Gogosoa - !Kau-/kutten
Osinhkimma - Kebbi-an
Otegnoa - !Kwabba-an
Khuma - /Hari Kafsho
Krotoa - Mansse
Geoboe - !Kau/noan
/Alkunta - /Abbe-ttu
//Kabbo - //Khwai-/ha
Uhi-ddoro - Tssatssi
Kasin - !Nanni
!Kweiten-ta-//ken - /Uma
Xa-a-tin - Da

Khoi-San Culture

Scientific and genetic studies prove that the Khoi-San people where the first modern humans in the Western Cape of South Africa (as a territory of origin). They have probably lived in south Africa for 10,000 years; they were decimated by white settlers brought in by the Dutch VOC and by diseases introduced into the subcontinent and hinterland. However, if approximately 99% of Khoi-San language, traditions and culture has been forcibly and brutally removed, the history and genetics still remain.

Khoi-San were nomadic hunters and gatherers. The colonial Europeans called the San "Bushmen" or "Hottentots". In Dutch : "Bosjesmannen" and "Hottentotten" . The Dutch also called them "Strandlopers" (beach walkers), the first confrontation probably took place somewhere on the beaches around the Cape.

The San and the Khoi Khoi of the Cape Town area united, creating people who are physically very different from the Bantu Africans who have dominated the continent elsewhere . The Bantu probably migrated much more recently, as military conquerors, in the last 1000 years.

The San are physically small, five feet and less; they are also racially distinctive. Khoi Khoi speak a unique set of languages, "Khoi", the one with all the clicks.
Their language had more consonants compared to the Bantu languages which had a prolific use of vowels.


Eva bekend as Krotoa

Sara 24 jaar oud, opgevoed deur Lacus familie. Sy kon Nederlands en Portugees praat. Sy het met 'n Europese man saamgeleef en hy het belowe dat hy met haar sou trou maar dit was `n klug en sy manier om saam met haar te lewe. Dit was te veel vir haar gewees en sy het toe haarself opgehang in die skaapkraal van Angela van Bengale in 1671. Dit was Angela van Bengale en Ras wat op haar afgekom het. Molsbergen gee die volgende beskrywing, hy maak die fout om te sê dat dit Eva was, maar dit is 'Zara'.
Molsbergen, p. 36 "De Kaapsche Regering besloot bij officieele resolutie te doen sleepen, om daar de zondares met haar hoofd en een gaffelvormigen paal ten afschrik te doen hangen tusschen hemel en aarde. Hier zien we alweer de parallel met het misdrijf....Toen ze drie weken later van die vork viel, werd, ter uitvoering van het vonnis, het lijk opnieuw er op gelegd".

Cornelia, sy was ook skynbaar in van Riebeeck se huis grootgemaak. van Riebeeck se klein dogter het haar ontmoet en meld dat sy 'n blinde ou Hottentot vrou was.


Andrew B Smith, Immigrants & Indigenes in the 17th Century Cape, South Africa

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