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A Brief History

150 Years after the discovery of the sea route to the East and despite being a poor country with no resources of it's own and constantly embattled by greater powers around it, the Dutch managed to wedge themselves into the established trans-oceanic trade and maintain the upper hand for two centuries. In the process they dispersed peoples from the East to the West and from the North to the South.

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Die VOC het bestaan uit 6 Kamers wat in 1602 gestig was. Hulle het 'n bewindheeser elk gehad. Die VOC was beheer deur die Heere XVII. Hieronder word die Kamers gemeld asook die getal teenwoordiges wat elk gehad het. Dan was daar nog een ekstra verteenwoordiger gekies en die vier kleinste Kamers moes saamgestem het met die keuse. Hierdie 17de persoon was voorgestel deur Zeeland en een van die kleiner Kamers al om die beurt:

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Insights into the VOC Stamouers

Included are a number of description of the kind of people who served the VOC and went to the East, the accounts vary from Leibbrandt's saintly portrayal to Pieter de la Court total contempt of VOC servants. A large number of South African stamouers were for a time servants of the VOC. This gives us some insights into what kind of persons they may have been:

Read more …Insights into the VOC Stamouers

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