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Surnames H to J


 Thomas Joël HITCHCOCK * Worcester, Engeland 13.05.1803 = Saint Michael Bedwardine, Worcester, Engeland 05.06.1803 † Klein Drakenstein 03.03.1886 (82.10.-) # Paarl Engelse Kerk begraafplaas. ‘Pianoforte Maker and Tuner, Organ Builder’. Professor van Musiek. Hy het ‘n orrel gebou vir St Georges Kerk Kaapstad. Hy het ‘n stuk grond met geboue daarop gekoop van Wilhelmina Charlina Zulch en dit is geregistreer in die akte kantoor 26.02.1877 Hy het gewoon “Kamp Grond” in 1851 x In the English Church Cape Town by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain: 14.02.1832 Johanna Christina Rykje ZULCH *Swellendam 14.04.1814 † Top of Keeromstraat, Kaapstad 27.10.1849 (35yrs. 6 mnths 13 days-) Sterf kennisgewing in koerant het sterf datum as 27.10.1849 en in die 1849 koerant en Familie document sê dit sy is 27.10.1849 oorlede. Die sterf sertifikaat het 28.10.1850 wat verkeerd is # Engelse begraafplaas, Somerset Weg, Kaapstad ( d.v. Johan Christiaan Zulch en Francina Wilhelmina van der Merwe) xx Kaapstad NG Kerk 11.6.1851 Helena Dorothea MEYER *Kaapstad 28.05.1824 † Dist Swellendam 07.02.1862 (38.-) # In die kerkhof begraafplaas van die NG Kerk Swellendam  (Familie dokumente sê sy is 11.02.1862 oorlede) (d.v. Justus Wilhelmus MEYER *1795 + Keeromstraat, Kaapstad 19.05.1853 en Catharina Elizabeth MOHR) xxx Holy Trinity Kerk, Paarl, 02.11.1868 Elizabeth Maria SCHOLTZ * 01.06.1839 = Paarl 11.08.1839 † Paarl 19.03.1886 (46.-) (d.v. Johan Jurgen Scholtz * 27.06.1807 + Paarl 08.08.1870 x Paarl 02.08.1834 Anna Aletta Elizabeth Muller *29.09.1815 + Groot Drakenstein )

South African Commercial Advertiser 1834 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 18 January 1834

Having removed his manufactory to No.11 St.George’s-street, the house formerly occupied by Mr. DIXIE, In returning his thanks for the great support and encouragement he has met with, begs to announce to his friends and the public generally that, as the organ which he has been making for St.George’s Church is now ready for fixing, and which has for some time past prevented him from attending regularly to his pianoforte tunings, he will now devote his attention to the tuning and repairing of pianofortes, harps and musical instruments generally. Applications for tunings, repairs &c will meet with immediate attention.
T.J. HITCHCOCK, Pianoforte Maker and Tuner, Organ Builder &c
No.11 St.George’s-street Cape Town
PS Pianofortes &c for sale or to hire.

South African Commercial Advertiser 1839 - 3 - July to September

19th September 1839

The Undersigned, having hired the House No.6 Keizersgracht, formerly Morrison’s Hotel, will remove his Musical Establishment to that place at the commencement of the ensuing month, and begs to take this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to those Families who have honored him with their support, as also the numerous Visitors from India &c. He trusts to be enabled in future to supply all Articles, in any way connected with a Musical Business, of the very best quality, and at moderate prices.
All kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired; well seasoned Piano Fortes to Hire or for Sale.
No.7 Keizersgracht, 19th Sept 1839
T.J.H. has just received some beautiful Spanish Guitars, selected especially for this place by Mr. CORDER; also Music – Piano Forte, Duetts, Guitar, Songs, Sacred Hymns &c.

Mr. T.J. HITCHCOCK having engaged to take Mr. MORRISON’s House from the first of next month, will be willing to let for a term his delightfully situated Cottage called Sweet Home, with Vegetable and Flower Garden in excellent order, planted with several hundred Fruit Trees, Vines &c. It is within twenty minutes’ walk of the Public Offices, on the Somerset Road, leading to Green Point, with Water laid on the Premises.
19th September 1839


b1. Francina Elizabeth * Cape Town 11.11.1832 ≈ In the English Church Cape Town by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain: Sondag 25.11.1832 »»Kinders (12) x Johan Diederik MEYER. “Storekeeper” en vanaf 1860 ‘n Baker. Vanaf 1873 ‘n klerk. Sy het nog gelewe toe haar broer William Henry oorlede was in 1874 en van sy boedel ge erf

b2. Thomas John *Paarl 04.01.1835 ≈ Paarl 01.02.1835 † Fraserburg, Noord Kaap. Dinsdag aand 06.06.1876 (41 jaar;4 maande)(KAB MOOC_6/9/155_2885/1876) Piano Forte Tuner (soos sy Pa) Ongetroud. Sy boedel was omtrent 18 Pond werd gewees

b3. Johanna Magdalena *Paarl 04.07.1836 + Vredenburg 20.03.1909 (KAB MOOC_6/9/619_2176_1 ) # Begrawe Vredenburg begraafplaas. »»Kinders (5) x Wellington 20.12.1865 (02.10.1865 op De Smidt stamboom) Johannes Hermanus DE SMIDT *30.01.1839 = Kaapstad 03.03.1839, onderwyser, lekeprediker Metodistekerk, Somerset-Wes † Parow 22.10.1924 (deur motor raakgery)

b4. William Henry *Cape Town 22.06.1838 ≈ In St.George’s Church Cape Town by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain: on Monday the 23.07.1838 † Winburg 29.4.1874 (VAB H132/1874) (Sy s/k het 29.04.1874 en Familie Dokument sê 01.05.1874) (VAB H132/1874) Skrynwerker. Hy was ongetroud gewees en sy Pa en sy 6 boeties en susters wat nog gelewe het van die eerste huwelik het elk 41pond en 90 sjielings ge erf. Hy het as doop getuie geteken by sy suster Francina se seun Justus Wilhelm Meyer in 1857

b5. Charles Zulch * “Sweet Home” Green Point, Cape Town 10.10. 1839 = St.George’s Church Cape Town by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain: Monday 04.11.1839 + In sy eie huis in “Nieuwerust”,  Vredenburg, Dist Malmesbury 22.05.1917 Boer »»Kinders (11) x Piketberg 24.10.1869 Helena Josina (Johanna) BRIERS * Piketberg 1852 + Op die plaas “Saffraan Rivier” Dist Oudtshoorn 21.01.1927 Hulle het geboer “Nuwerust” P.O. Vredenburg, Malmesbury Dist. (dv. (Frederik Willem BRIERS *06.03.1817 = Stellenbosch 30.03.1817 + Onderplaas Piketberg 02.08.1890 x Magdalena Maria BRINK * 10.07.1823) (TAB 14390/1927 img 458)

b6. James Edward HITCHCOCK (A1/x)*Cape Town 29.03.1841 = In St.George’s Church by the Rev Geo. Hough MA Monday 10.05.1841 † ” Elandsfontein” Dist. Britstown 12.05.1902 (KAB 314/1903) Farmer »»Kinders (10) x Richmond 2.8.1869 Anna Sophia Elizabeth DU PREEZ

b7. Elizabeth Jane * “Sweet Hoe” Green Point, Cape Town, 13.05.1842 (Familie document sê gebore Augustus 1843) = In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street Cape Town by the Rev T.A. Blair: 25.06.1842 (so 13.05.1842 is korrek) † Vanderpoelsplein, Onder- Paarl 27.4.1914. Een van ‘n tweeling met Emily Ann x Paarl 02.03.1868 Izak Jacob DE VILLIERS * Agter-Paarl 24.08.1842 ≈ Paarl = 18.09.1842, boer en wamaker Paarl † Paarl 25.02.1919
(sv. Abraham Benjamin * 7.4.1785 ≈ Paarl 24.4.1785, boer “Matjeskuil” † Paarl 19.2.1851 x Malmesbury 8.11.1807 Elsje Maria BASSON ≈ 7.8.1791 † Agter-Paarl 7.10.1810 d.v. Coenraad Hendrik Basson en Catharina Louw xx Lutherse Kerk, Kaapstad 11.3.1811 Johanna Judith Clara DISANDT ≈ 2.3.1794 † Paarl 28.12.1818 d.v. Johann Daniël Disandt en Maria Johanna Zinn xxx Lutherse Kerk, Kaapstad 30.3.1821 Johanna Jacoba ASPELING ≈ Kaapstad 21.6.1801 † Paarl 26.12.1851 d.v. Dirk Jacobus ASPELING en Johanna Jacoba DE VILLIERS )

b8. Emily Ann * “Sweet Home” Green Point, Cape Town 08.1843 (Familie document sê Augustus 1843) In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street Cape Town by the Rev T.A.Blair: Sunday 03.09.1843 † Kaapstad 05.11.1843 # Saam met haar Ma begrawe Een van ‘n tweeling met Elizabeth Jane

b9. Lucy Harriet * “Sweet Home” Green Point, Cape Town 21.05.1845 = In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street Cape Town by the Rev T.A. Blair: Sunday 22.06.1845 † Kaapstad 05.12.1845 # Saam met haar Ma begrawe

Tweede huwelik

b10. Justus Wilhelm George *The Gardens, Waterhoff, Dist Kaapstad 25.04.1852 =  NG Kerk Swellendam 30.05.1852 Doop getuie:- Justus Wilhelm Meyer, Catharina Elizabeth Mohr, George Louis Steytler en Wilhelmina Carolina Steytler + Piketberg. Wes Kaap 21.10.1922 (70 jaar) »»Kinders (3 bekend) x Margaritha (Margaret) Huibrecht FICK *1863 + Piketberg. Wes Kaap. 28.11.1936 (73 jaar) # Saam Begrawe Piketberg Begraafplaas

b11. Henry Thomas *The Gardens, Waterhoff, Dist Kaapstad 18.04.1853 = Trinity Church in Cape Town by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB 08.07.1853 † Aurora Wyk, Piketberg 11.09.1937 handelaar te Piketberg en algemene Boer »»Kinders ( x Piketberg 13.05.1879 Johanna Maria Hendrina (THEART) THIART * 24.10.1861= Hopefield 09.03.1862 † Aurora. Wes Kaap.07.12.1952 # Saam begrawe Aurora Begraafplaas (dv. Frederik Johannes Hendrik THIART (THEART)* Piketberg 1.9.1834 = Swartland 19.10.1834 † 9.2.1916 † “Weglopersheuwel” dist. Velddrif x Piketberg 08.10.1860 Hilletje Aletta Margaretha VAN DYK *06.05.1844 = Piketberg 6.10.1844 † “Weglopersheuwel” dist. Velddrif 27.8.1933 d.v. Gideon van Dyk en Johanna Hendrika Maria Gildenhuys)

b12. Catherine Wilhelmina Carolina *Kaapstad 28.07.1854 = In St.George’s Cathedral in Cape Town by the Rev Robert A Currey MA, 15.09.1854

b13. John Dyason * Swellendam 21.09.1857 = Swellendam Church of the Province 15.11.1857 Doop getuie:- John Dyason, Julia Dyason, Hendrik Jacobus Meyer + Stormsvlei, Dist Swellendam 27.01.1928 (71-) Nierkwaal wat hy 6 weke aan gelei het.  Hy het Stormsvlei gewoon met sy dood. Slagter »»Kinders (2) x Johanna Aletta KRAMER *1863 + Stormsvlei Dist Swellendam 14.11.1937 Broncho Pneumonia . C. Kramer het haar sterf sertifikaat geteken. Sy was reeds ‘n weduwee gewees.

b14. Theodore Hoffman Pusey * Swellendam 30.10.1858 = Swelllendam Church of the Province 12.12.1858 Doop getuie:- Theodore T. Hoffman en Aletta Hoffman † Paarl Sept. 1926 Kleremaker x Paarl 27.10.1881 Rachel Johanna THERON *05.08.1859 = Paarl 04.09.1859 (dv. Charles (Sarel) Petrus THERON* 15.2.1821 = Paarl 11.3.1821, wynboer “Ronwe”, Klein Drakenstein x Worcester 21.11.1841 Johanna Catharina JORDAAN * Goudini 6.6.1823 † Bethlehem, OVS 31.8.1893 d.v. Johannes Petrus Jordaan en Martha Sophia Marais)

b15. Maria Bramley * Swellendam 17.08.1860 = Church of the Province Swellendam 02.09.1860. Doop getuies:- Maria Meyer, Edith Bramley, Rev, William Bramley † Swellendam 13.12.1861 # Die Engelse begraafplaas, Swellendam

Derde huwelik

b16. Anna Aletta Elizabeth * Paarl 20.04.1870 = The Holy Trinity Church of the Province, Paarl 22.05.1870 + 1958 ( KAB MOOC_6/9/24617_4911/58_1) »»Kinders(1) x Johan H. ENSLIN *1869 + 28.07.1933 # The Strand Begraafplaas, Kaapstad

Francis Scholtz (Familie dokument het Scoltz, maar doop en s/k het Scholtz)* Paarl 03.11.1871 = Holy Trinity Church of the Province, Paarl 30.12.1871 † In sy huis in Klein Drakenstein 01.02.1911 ( KAB MOOC_6/9/662_697_1 ) Boer »»Kinders (4) x Anna Geertruyda (Gertruida) Maria RETIEF + KP 1918 (KAB MOOC 1354_61_/1919)

b18. George James * Upper Paarl 24.08.1875 = Church of the Province Upper Paarl 12.09.1875 Doop getuies:- James Edward Hitchcock, Catharina Wilhelmina Carolina Hitchcock, Wilhelmina Steytler x Johanna Magdalena DE WIT(T)*28.02.1872 = Tarkastad  19.05.1872 (dv Frederik Francois DE WIT(T) * 15.3.1831 (een v. tweeling) ≈ Graaff-Reinet 26.4.1831 † Tarkastad 28.5.1909 »»Kinders (1) c1 x Martha Maria Magdalena ENGELBRECHT * Adelaide 12.12.1832 † “Dewitsrust”, dist. Tarkastad 26.7.1910)

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