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Surnames K to M

KRESS Johan Peter

Johan Peter Kress (also known as Kris, Krits, Kreyts, Kryts,) was from Adelsheim Germany. He arrived at the Cape in 1729 as a soldier on the ship Strijkerbolle. He became a burgher in 1733 (Hoge gives this date as 1734). He was a locksmith and died 1751. He married 23 August 1732 Rachel de May, she was the daughter of Catharina Pietersz van de Kaap. After Kress died in 1751 she married Christian Gottlieb Laurentius on 12 December 1751. She later married Johann Christoph Dennert on 10 November 1765.

b1 Anna Christina baptised Cape Town 26 Jul 1742
b2 Catharina Dorothea bapitsed Cape Town 25 October 1744, X 9 Nov 1760 Johann Jacob Doeksteen
b3 Anna Maria baptised Cape Town 27 Jul 1749, X 20 Dec 1763 Jan Christoffel Cloffert, XX 28 Apr 1776 Dirk Groeneboom, XXX 26 Oct 1783 Jacobus Johannes Krugel

SAG Vol 4
Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape

A van Rensburg


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