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Surnames D to G

GERICKE Johan Godfried


a1 Johan Godfried GERICKE Harkerode, Zachsen, Germany ±__.__.1741, † Geelhoutboom, South Africa 21.03.1837, ±__.__.1772
Wagonmaker, initially for HOIK
He arrived here in 1772 and left the VOC in 1785. His contract to graze his livestock on the loan farm Geelhoute Boom was signed at the Castle in Cape Town on 3 Apr 1788 as RLR 36/1-77. The farm had previously been abandoned by Gideon van Zeyl. The annual charge was sixteen Ducatond (each worth 72 Stuiwers), the equivalent of twenty four Rijksdaalders. In addition he had to deliver one tenth of his wheat crop to the Castle in Cape Town. He was granted the Quitrent ownership of Geelhoutboom by Lord Charles Henry Somerset on 1 October 1816. The farm covered 1695 morgen originally but with subdivision and selling only about one fifth was in family hands by the turn of the century. According to CO 3942-353 he applied on 19 Jan 1829 to Sir Lowry Cole, the then Governor of the Cape, for permission to cut four waggon loads of wood in the Government Forest near George Town in order to repair and complete his dwelling. The property he left included; Half a farm, oxen, wagons, horses, furniture and an apprentice ? Slavery was abolished in the Cape Colony in 1834. The freed slaves however had to serve as ’Apprentices’ for a period of four years, allegedly to prepare themselves for freedom.
Source : † MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE
»» Children (12): x{2}, xx{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}
x Johanna Jacoba JURGENS, ±__.__.1745
xx Voorbaai, Mossel Bay, South Africa 19.09.1790, Anna Barbara GERBER, Cape Town, South Africa __.__.1774, ? Tulbagh, South Africa 19.06.1774, † George, South Africa 20.08.1843
She was 33 years younger than her husband. Her marriage date has also been reported as 5 Aug 1798.
Source : † MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER Signed by her son G.S.GERICKE, x MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as the widow of Johan Godfried GERICKE.

b1 Maria Magdalena GERICKE (1/x), ±__.__.1772, Cape Town, South Africa 22.11.1772
She is not mentioned on her father’s Death Notice. She was the illegitimate daughter of Johanna Jacoba JURGENS.
Source : G1 162/1772, Subject: Maria Magdalena GERICKE Reference 1772-162.

b2 Catharina Rosina GERICKE (1/xx), ? Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 08.12.1795, Paarl, South Africa 19.12.1795, † George, South Africa 22.08.1836
Her Death Notice gives her first name as Christina. She died before either of her parents. Hoge claims that ’Rosina’ survived her father.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as a daughter on her father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, † MOOC 6/9/9-1714, Name Of Person: Catharina Rosina GERICKE
x George, South Africa 05.01.1822, Robert Alexander CRAILL, Dunbar, Scotland ±__.__.1795
He was one of the about 200 young Scots brought out by Benjamin MOODIE in 1817. He and about thirty others married Afrikaans speaking local girls.

b3 Frans Lodewyk GERICKE (1/xx), ±__.__.1796, † >__.__.1837
After the death of his wife he lived with Barend Paul, the son of his brother Jacobus Stephanus (Oudtshoorn). At this stage he was senile and refused to wear shoes. He sometimes walked many miles to visit his brother Frederik who lived on Schimmelkrans.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son of Johan Godfried GERICKE., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER
x ±__.__.1823, Dorothea Johanna SELIE, ±__.__.1796

b4 Johan Christiaan GERICKE (1/xx), ? Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa ±__.__.1798, Swellendam, South Africa 23.10.1798, † Kleinplaats, Mossel Bay, South Africa 26.09.1887
He was probably the co-owner of Geelhoutboom, with his brother Frederick Wilhelm, in 1850. He sold wood to the church council for the erection of the George church between 1832 and 1842. He also served as Sexton and Lead Singer.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son of Johan Godfried GERICKE., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, G7/4/1-22, Subject: Johan Christiaan GERICKE, † MOOC 6/9/249-1555, Name Of Person: Johan Christiaan GERICKE
x George, South Africa 04.04.1819, Lea Jacoba STANDER, ±__.__.1801, Swellendam, South Africa 17.09.1801
xx George, South Africa 13.02.1865, Anna Salomina Carolina MARX, ±__.__.1811, George, South Africa 13.12.1811

b5 Anna Dorothea GERICKE, ±__.__.1800, Swellendam, South Africa 02.02.1800, † >__.__.1837
Source : ? MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as a son on her father’s Death Notice., G7/4/1-81, Subject: Anna Dorothea GERICKE
x George, South Africa 08.10.1820, Adriaan Hendrikus STANDER, ±__.__.1798, ? 26.10.1798, † __.__.1880
Source : x G9/5/1-30, Subject: Adriaan STANDER X Anna Dorothea GERICKE, MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER

b6 Hendrik Sebastiaan GERICKE (1/xx), Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 10.07.1803, Tulbagh, South Africa 13.11.1803, † Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 07.08.1884
He was bitten, in the foot, by a poisonous snake. It is told that a scab grew over the injury and that it was so hard that it had to be removed with a small saw. He was most probably the owner of Geelhoutboom in 1850.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son on his father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, † MOOC 6/9/212-9166, Name Of Person: Hendrik Sebastiaan GERICKE
x George, South Africa 04.10.1823, Sophia Wihelmina Maria DE SWARDT, George, South Africa, 26.05.1807, † George, South Africa 01.08.1889
Source : † MOOC 6/9/271-1380, Name Of Person: Sophia Wilhelmina Maria de SWARDTS

b7 Jacobus Stephanus (Oudtshoorn) GERICKE (1/xx), Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 31.07.1804, Swellendam, South Africa 14.10.1804, † Oudtshoorn, South Africa 04.06.1894
Wagon Maker - Farmer
»? This couple had three daughters named Christina Jacoba. He lived on the farm Ellen, situated between George and the Kraaibosch forest. He moved to Oudtshoorn after the death of his wife.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son on his father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, G7/4/1-326, Subject: Jacobus Stephanus (Oudtshoorn) GERICKE, † MOOC 6/9/329-1293, Name Of Person: Jacobus Stephanus GERICKE
x George, South Africa 29.07.1825, Geertruida (Martha) Maria STANDER, Skimmelkrans, George, South Africa ±__.__.1803, Tulbagh, South Africa 01.02.1803, † Skimmelkrans, George, South Africa 05.09.1846
Her estate included one eight of the farm Diepkloof and a plot with house in York Street George. The farm Krummelkrans has also been written Skimmelkrans. Her death date could be 6 Aug 1846. She died of tuberculosis.
Source : † MOOC 6/9/41-8681, Name Of Person: Gertruida Martha STANDER, x G9/5/1-47, Name Of Person: Jacobus Stephanus GERICKE X Gertruida Stander
xx George, South Africa 24.01.1848, Christina Jacoba Catharina STEYL, George, South Africa ±__.__.1824, † Oudtshoorn, South Africa 04.01.1906
Her first husband could have been CAMPBELL.
Source : † MOOC 6/9/539-298, Name Of Person: Christina Jacoba Catharina STEYL

b8 Maria Catharina GERICKE (1/xx), George, South Africa 04.08.1806, Swellendam, South Africa 27.11.1807, † Paardeplaats, Vrede, South Africa 30.10.1895
She is not mentioned on the Death Notice of Anna Barbara GERBER.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as a son on her father’s Death Notice., G7/4/2 1807-27, Subject: Maria Catharina GERICKE Reference 1807-27, † V-MHG G395, Name Of Person: Maria Catharina GERICKE The Death Notice was signed by her son A.B.LOMBARD. He cites her mother’s name as Anna Elizabeth GERVEL and gives her age as 90 years and 25 days which calculates to a birth date of 5 Oct 1805.
x George, South Africa 04.10.1823, Christoffel Jacobus LOMBARD, Melkboom, Riversdal, South Africa ±__.09.1798, 12.10.1800, † Middelkop, Fauresmith, South Africa 18.03.1875
They probably had twelve children.His Death Notice gives his mother’s name as Anna Olivier.
Source : † V-MHG L-137, Name Of Person: Christoffel Jacobus LOMBARD, x G9/5/1-44, Subject: Christoffel Jacobus LOMBARD X Maria Catharina GERICKE
xx Harrismith, South Africa 11.07.1876, Jurie Johannes WESSELS, ±__.__.1808
Farmer on Rooderand and Middelkop in the Harrismith district.
This couple did not have children.

b9 Catharina Magdalena GERICKE (1/xx), Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 08.10.1808, Swellendam, South Africa 24.03.1809, † Matjesdrift, George, South Africa 29.12.1879
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as a son on her father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, G7/4/2, Name Of Person: Catharina Magdalena GERICKE, † MOOC 6/9/172-7772, Name Of Person: Catharina Magdalena GERICKE
x ±__.__.1826, Thomas BERGENS <708>, ±__.__.1806, † Galgebosch, Van Stadensrivier, South Africa 24.04.1854
xx George, South Africa ±__.__.1829, Jacobus Maatjam BARNARD, ±__.__.1808, 24.03.1809

b10 George Sebastiaan GERICKE (1/xx), George, South Africa 10.11.1810, Swellendam, South Africa 10.12.1811, † George, South Africa 12.09.1884
Retired Farmer And Waggon Maker
He lived on Hoogekraal and Schietfontein. Hoogekraal was located in the Veldkornetskap of Die Vleie. He sold Schietfontein to his son Pieter Hendrik who sold a part of it to establish a railway station which is now known as Aberdeen Road. His death was announced in the George and Knyna Herald giving his age as 74 years and 2 days, born 10 Sep 1810. His christening date could have been 16 Dec 1811.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son on his father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, G7/4/2-265, Name Of Person: George Sebastiaan GERICKE, † MOOC 6/9/215-9655, Name Of Person: George Sebastiaan GERICKE
x George, South Africa 30.06.1839, Frederika Johanna Wilhelmina P TERBLANS , George, South Africa 03.10.1816, George, South Africa 03.11.1816, † George, South Africa 21.12.1890
Her marriage certificate gives the marriage date as 9 Jun 1839
Source : † MOOC 6/9/289-184, Name Of Person: Phillipina Frederica Johanna Wilhelmina TERBLANS

b11 Frederick Wilhelm GERICKE (1/xx), Geelhoutboom, George, South Africa 31.03.1812, Swellendam, South Africa 05.12.1812, † Oorlogspoort, Pniel, South Africa 25.04.1873
He was probably the co-owner of Geelhoutboom, with his brother Johan Christiaan, in 1850. Probably Lived On Naauwpoort District Pniel and/or on Schimmelkrans. He was a ’togryer’ between George and the Orange Free State. He died from a heart attack while on the way north, between Aberdeen and Murraysburg, and was buried on a Mr. Pienaar’s farm. His Death Notice was signed by his son-in-law C. J. Geldenhuys at Vooruitzicht. His estate was valued at about ¹1300 and included two backwagons and five hundred and fifty sheep. Also listed was a leaguer of liquor consisting of brandy, wine and vinegar. His surviving spouse got half plus a child’s share.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE He is cited as a son on his father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER, G7/4/2-313, Subject: Frederik Wilhelm GERICKE, † MOK 1/1/4-202, Name Of Person: Frederik Wilhelm GERICKE
x George, South Africa 26.06.1836, Martha Maria WEYERS, Voorplettenbergsbaay, George, South Africa 29.07.1816, † Aan Craga, Swellendam, South Africa 22.12.1840
The witnesses to this marriage were; Johannes Hendrikus BEKKER, Johanna Hendrina BOSHOFF, Hendrik Sebastiaan GERICKE and Sophia Wilhelmina Maria de SWARDT.
According to her Death Notice, she died at Kleinvetrivier in the district of Swellendam.
Source : † MOOC 6/9/23-4741, Name Of Person: Martha Maria WEYERS, MOOC 7/1/161-45, Name Of Person: Martha Maria WEYERS, x G9/5/1-79, Name Of Person: Martha Maria WEYERS X Frederick Wilhelm GERICKE
xx George, South Africa 17.04.1843, Lea Jacoba Maria Sophia BOSHOFF, George, South Africa ±__.__.1820, † Boesmanspan, Herbert, South Africa 23.11.1885
As surviving spouse she received Six hundred and thirty six pounds nineteen shillings and three pence plus a child’s portion of Fourty eight pounds nineteen shillings and eleven and 4/13 pence. The auctioneer received One hundred pounds eleven shillings and eight pence for the auctions he ran at Jacobsdal and Naauwpoort.
When her husband died she inherited along with 12 children. Anna did not inherit, for no known reason. Although she died in the district of Herbert it is probable that some of her children lived on Buffelsdrift in the George district.
Source : † MOK 1/1/19-3245/1885, Name Of Person: Lea Jacoba BOSHOFF

b12 Salmina Susanna GERICKE (1/xx), 10.05.1814, George, South Africa 03.07.1814, † George, South Africa 13.11.1840
Her father was already 73 when she was born. Her death date could be 1848.
Source : MOOC 6/9/10-2120, Name Of Person: Johan Godfried GERICKE She is cited as a son on her father’s Death Notice., MOOC 6/9/30-6339, Name Of Person: Anna Barbara GERBER
x George, South Africa 02.08.1833, William Jacobus Christiaan BOSWELL, 24.01.1813, Swellendam, South Africa 16.03.1813, † __.__.1883
Source : x G9/5/1-72, Subject: William Heyman BOSWELL X Salomina Susanna GERICKE, CSC 4646/83, Name Of Person: Else Marie GERICKE


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Erol Gericke
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