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VAN WYK Elisabeth

Elisabeth van WYK, a Lysbeth was baptised on 29 August 1683 at Cape Town. According to JA Heese in Familia, xiii, 1976 no. 4, p103. her mother was Anna Pieters. According to Margaret Cairns Familia XII, 1975, no 3 p 57, two brothers, Willem and Arie VAN WYK came to the Cape in 1678: "either could have fathered Elizabeth but no evidence exists that they did so. Everything about her origins is purely speculative and her true parentage remains a mystery". "Considering the naming pattern followed in Dutch families, namely that the second son bears the name of the mother"s father, there is a possibilty that Matthys von Wielligh was so named for this reason and that Elizabeth"s father was a Matthys van Wyk or a Matthys with an unknown surname."

JA Heese "Nogmaals van Wyk" Familia XIII no 4, 1976 p 103, gives the following information on Elizabeth VAN WYK:
There was a Lysbeth that was baptised 29 December 1683 at the Cape, and the mother was Anna PIETERS. Heese mentions that the witness at the baptism was Juffrou Coen, the very same day Juffrou Coen was also the witness for the slave Maria LOZEE"s child, Jacobus STEYN (he was the progenitor Jacobus Steyn).

Heese also refers to the birth of Elizabeth VAN WYK"s child Aeltje on 2 March 1699. The father was Jan Lambert Myburgh. the witnesses were Christiaan Boerous and Constanty VAN DE CUST. Heese suspects that Elizabeth VAN WYK thus had non-white connections, most likely Indian. We need to find out more about who Christiaan Boerous was.

When applying the homogeneous principle then it is very likely that Elizabeth"s ancestry came from India.

On 28 January 1703 a child Hendrik was baptised and the mother was Helena van Batavia, the witness was Anna Pietrsz

There is a baptism entry for Clasijke on 12 July 1705 "een kind van Apollonia ende getuige Jan Wijik ? en Jannetjie van Wyk"

There is an entry for a child named Arent and baptised 6 Augustus 1705 "van Arent d. Mallebaar en Maria van Nagepatnam ende getuijge Jan Hendrikse van Eleve en Lysabeth van Wyk"

Elisabeth had a relationship with Joost Pieterse van DYK born in Ysenberg, Vlaandere. She started having a relationship with Nikolaas van Wielligh in 1706. She later married him on 21 August 1718 Nicolaas van WIELLIGH.

She had an illegitimate daughter Christina Matthys born c 1700, her father is unknown. This daughter married Badenhorst.
Her third child was baptised Willem van Dyk 21 Jan 1701 (bapt date from Cairns)
Johannes van Dyk baptised 14 January 1705 , the father was Joost van Dyk
Margaretha von Wielligh baptised 17 July 1706
Matthys von Wielligh baptised 6 October 1709
Nicolaas von Wielligh baptised 25 October 1711
Jacobus von Wielligh baptised 1 April 1714
Johanna von Wielligh baptised 3 May 1716
Hermanus von Wielligh baptised 14 August 1718. Elizabeth got married to van Wielligh soon afterwards

Elizabeth died in 1720

M Cairns "Elizabeth van Wyk 1658 - 1720" Familia XII 1975 no 3
JA Heese "Nogmaals van Wyk" Familia XIII no 4, 1976 p 103
Heese and Lombard

Thanks to research by:

Thanks to submission by:
AM van Rensburg

Bykomende data:

Dirk le Roux


Heese het vir 'n doop van 'n Elisabeth (of 'n Lijsbeth/Lysbet) wat sou klop met die ouderdom van Elisabeth van Wyk die volgende gevind:

(29 Aug 1683,de Caep de Goede Hoop)
Eodem dito (29 August)
de moeder Anna Pieters
juffrou Koon

The Genealogical Society of South Africa: eGSSA branch, South African Records Transcribed. A selection of historical records transcriptions
: accessed 27 August 2016), "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695 (1683)", baptism entry for Lysbet Pieters, 29 August 1683, p. 28; citing Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk. Original registers are located in the NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch as G1 1/1. VC 603 is a photocopy made during the 1980s of the original, made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town repository and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series). The original register is now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1. The transcription was originally made in 2006 by Richard Ball. Corrections were received from Delia Robertson and Alwyn Smit and Corney Keller had now completely revised and amended the original transcript (February 2012)).

Hierdie oenskynlike verwantskap met Anna Pieters het Heese geplaas in 'n artikel: "Nogmaals van Wyk" Familia XIII no 4, 1976 p 103, en sedertdien is dit die wyd aanvaarde weergawe.

Daar was egter 'n ander Elisabeth/Lysbet wat Anna Pieters se dogter kon wees, naamlik Elisabeth/Lysbet Adriaanse, op 8 Nov 1699 getroud met Gabriel Doman.

The Genealogical Society of South Africa: eGSSA branch, South African Records Transcribed. A selection of historical records transcriptions
: accessed 27 August 2016), “Cape Town Marriages 1696-1712 (1699)”, page 94, e.g. marriage entry for Gabriel Doman and Elisabeth Adriaans, 3 May 1666; citing This transcription has been made from photographs of the Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 604 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1695-1712, which is a photocopy the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-8/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series). The marriages cover pages 89 through 110 of this register.)

Dit is duidelik dat Anna Pieters laasgenoemde se moeder was uit die volgende twee doopinskrywings van hul kinders, een week uitmekaar en met slegs een ander inskrywing tussenin:

17 April 1701
van Gabriel Doman en Elisabeth
Adriaanse, onder getuijgen van Lambert
Adriaanse en Anna Pieterze gent:
- Anna Dorothea

24 April 1701
van Joost Pieters van Dyk en Lysbeth
van Wijk, onder getuyge van Pieter
de Gryp en Caspara van Staden
- Willem

The Genealogical Society of South Africa: eGSSA branch, South African Records Transcribed. A selection of historical records transcriptions
: accessed 27 August 2016), “Cape Town Baptisms 1695-1712 (1701)”, page 21, e.g. baptism entry for Anna Dorothea Doman and separate entry for Willem van Dyk, 17 and 24 April 1701; citing This transcription has been made from photographs of the Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 604 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1695-1712, which is a photocopy of the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-8/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series). The baptisms cover pages 1 through 87 and 126 through 143 of this register. 

By Anna Dorothea Doman se doop was die getuies Anna Pieters en Lambert Adriaanse (dit wil voorkom of hy Elisabeth Adriaanse se biologiese vader of ten minste aanneem-vader was, aangesien sy onder sy naam, "Adriaanse" bekend gestaan het).
Waarom sou Anna Pieters dan Elisabeth van Wijk se moeder wees en binne die bestek van een week eerder by 'n ander Elisabeth se kind se doop getuie staan?
Boonop met haar man van vyf jaar (hul is getroud in 1694) wat duidelik sy naam aan daardie ander Elisabeth verleen het, en dan nie getuie by die kleine Willem van Dyk se doop staan nie?
In die lig van hierdie rekord maak die Heese se gestelde verwantskap tussen Elisabeth van Wyk en Anna Pieters geen sin nie.

Elisabeth van Wyk se herkoms bly dus nog 'n groot raaisel. 

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