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Surnames V to Z


Evert van Guinee and Anna van Guinee came as slaves on the ship Hasselt in 1658 to the Cape. Evert was sold on 10 May 1658 to Casper Brinckman. A year later he was sold to Jan van Riebeeck. By 1669 they must have been set free since he received land for a garden. In 1677 he purchased the slave Claes van Bengale. In 1682 they live on a farm which is later known as Welgelegen, at this time he and his wife has one son and three daughters.

In July 1680 Evert van Guinee and Anthonie van Guinee were found guilty of chopping wood on prohibited property, they were found not guilty

Two of their daughters names are known:

Maria and Lijsbeth

In 1689 Lijsbeth Everts was accused of attacking her mother "met vuistslagen en "t verscheuren van haer klederen". It came to light later that the fight started between the two sisters.

Maria was also known as Swarte Everts Marij, X 5 November 1679 Gracias van Angola (known as Jackie Joy). This union dit not last and she had a relationship with Bastiaan Colijn

GC de Wet, Vryliede en Vryswartes aan die Kaapse Nedersetting 1657 - 1707
Karel Schoeman, Armosyn van die Kaap: Die Wêreld van "n slavin 1652-1733
AM van Rensburg, "The Secret Modus Operandi in obtaining Slaves for the Cape: The Ship Hasselt - 1658", Familia Vol 38, No 2, 2001

AM van Rensburg


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