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TANCRED Augustin Joseph


REV. DR. AUGUSTIN JOSEPH TANCRED (D.D. Doctor in Divinity). He and his first wife Evelina Mary Teresa LATTEY left Gravesend, England on the ship "George" on Monday 26th December 1841, with their 2 sons and 1 daughter, arriving in Cape Town , South Africa, on Friday 4th March 1842. A.J.T. preached as a curate in England in different places. Amongst others; Christchurch in 1836 and Redruth after that. He was also, amongst other things, the MP. for Clanwilliam (1854 - 1858 and 1862 – 1863) & Piquetberg (1866) in South Africa

Although he was baptised Augustin, he preferred, and used the name Augustus during his life, ≈ South Parish Church, CORK, Ireland 30 Aug 1804 † Cape Town 04 Jan 1867 x ± 1832 Evelina Mary Teresa LATTEY * Tullamore, Kings Co, Ireland 10 Mar 1812 ≈ April 1812 St Catherine's, Tullamore, † Settler's Hill. Grahamstown 20 Mar 1847 (d.o.Joseph LATTEY Snr. *1770 † 1835 x Francis PITTAR*1781 † 1856)
xx (In die NG Church office by Erw. H.R. De Villiers) Clanwilliam 22 Dec 1853 Geesje Martha Maria (Geesie) VAN ZYL * Lange Valley, Citrusdal, near Clanwilliam 15 Jun 1839 ≈ Clanwilliam 06 Oct 1839. There were no witnesses at the baptism, † "Droogerven" Dist, Clanwilliam, 01 Jul 1873 (d.o.Pieter Adriaan VAN ZYL *Malmesbury 21 Jan 1798 † 1867 x 11 Feb 1821 Gesina Martha Maria VAN ZYL * 1804 † 29 Jan 1882
(Pieter Adriaan VAN ZYL was the s.o. Aldert van Zyl *± 1750 & Maria Margaretha (Maatjie) Coetzee, † 1846)
Gesina Martha Maria VAN ZYL was die d.o. Gideon VAN ZYL*±1752 & Catharina Johanna KRIEL
(Aldert van Zyl & Gideon van Zyl were brothers.)

After her husband Augustin Joseph TANCRED's death Geesje married her cousin’s son and had 2 children with him

She married in Piketberg Dist Clanwilliam 19.03.1868 Albertus Johannes VAN ZYL * Clanwilliam 13.04.1843 (so. Albertus Johannes VAN ZYL x Elisabeth Christina Wilhelmina BASSON).
(No1.) Albert Johannes Adriaan VAN ZYL. * 04.11.1869 ≈ Brandenburg. Dist Clanwilliam 23.12.1869 x Piketberg 4.11.1890 Johanna Margaretha SMIT
(No 2) Catharina Johanna Van Zyl * Clanwilliam 11.09.1872 = Boven Vallei “Zandvlei” Clanwilliam 25.02.1873

Geesje's 2nd husband remarried again after her death xx Porterville, Wes Kaap.14.03.1884 Margaretha Magdalena KOTZE = 09.10.1836

b1. Augustus Frederick * London. England 16 Jul 1834 † Kimberley, SA, 19 Jan 1895. He was the secretary for the Union Boating Co, in Port Elizabeth, before moving to Kimberley where he was the town clerk from 1882 until his death. He was the Justice of the peace for Kimberley from 1884. He was the father of the three famous cricket brothers. His second eldest son was also a promising athlete but lost his left leg when he was 18 years old x 19 Dec 1861 Mary Ellen SMITH * Grahamstown 1840 † London. UK, 25 Jan 1901

b2. Evelina Mary Theresa * Engeland 1834 †. Her mother died when she was 13 years old and she became a nun

b3. Oswald Finbar Kayle (Kyle) * 1837 ≈ St. Marys Church, Bulwell, England, 25 Sep 1837, † Paris, France after 1863
He resided in France, where he held a responsible position on the staff of the Suez Canal Company. In January 1863 his father Augustus Joseph Tancred left on the Mail Steamer 'Dane' for Paris to visit his son who was in a very delicate state of health

Descendants of Augustin Joseph Tancred's second marriage to Geesje Martha Maria VAN ZYL.

b4. Gesina Anna Maria Magdalena Josephina (Geesie) * Clanwilliam 1858 † Malmesbury C.P, 23 Jun 1903 x Clanwilliam 15 Apr 1875 Josias Marthinus SMUTS * Nooitgedacht, Riebeek West, 20 Aug 1839 † Malmesbury C.P. 21 Jun 1903. He was a lawyer (s.o. Daniel Jacobus SMUTS ≈Zoutfontain 14 Mar 1790 † Nooitgedacht 11 Nov 1870 x Cape Town, 15 Oct 1824 Helena Johanna Francina LOUW, wid. of Arend Brink † Cape Town 1883. They had 15 children. Josias was the 11th child and was the cousin of Gen. Smut's Grandfather)

b5. Petrus Johannes Albertus (Pieter) * Bô Langvlei, Clanwilliam Dist, 18 Mar 1862 † Sand street, Vanrhynsdorp, 24 Dec 1934. He died from a heart attack caused by Myocarditis. Inflammation of the heart muscles. Per Dr. Berrill, buried Vanrhynsdorp Cemetery. He was a shop owner, book keeper, lawyer's agent and "Justice of the Peace" for Calvinia from 1885. He was appointed as a member of the licensing board of Vanrhynsdorp from 1929 x Vanrhynsdorp 06 Apr 1885 Anna Catharina Dorothea SCHREUDER * Clanwilliam, Kaap Province. 14 Dec 1869 † Cape Town 26 Mar 1958 buried Maitland, Woltemade Cemetery. (d.o. Louis Egbertus SCHREUDER *Clanwilliam 22.12.1846 ≈ Clanwilliam 17 Jun 1847 † C.P. 1909.x Clanwilliam 8 Feb 1869 Johanna Sophia Christina VAN RHYN *21 Mar 1852 † Van Rhynsdorp 25 May 1899. Their son Louis Egbertus Schreuder was 16 years old when he was shot and killed on 20th May 1902 in the Boer War)

The achievements of the sons of Petrus Johannes Albertus:

Louis Egbertus Tancred 1892-1966:- Owner of a Rose Nursery
Arthur Francois Tancreds 1895-1959 :- Attorney. Former Pres. Law Soc. of Cape of Good Hope
Hugo Amos Tancred 1906-1991:- Accountant. Town Clerk
Andries Stockenstroom: 1907-1967 - Foreign exchange Manager Volkskas 1946 till death 1967

With the greatest gratitude to Bernard Hall for 30 years of research and for sharing. Without him & his research this tree, as it now is, could never have been written. He is now writing a book about the life of Augustus Joseph TANCRED(2012)

Compiled by:
Lee McGovern.

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