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Jacob TAILLARD, (Taljaard) van Doornik in Henegoue (België), het in die jaar 1749 in Suid-Afrika aangekom, en hom later as burger te Drakenstein gevestig. Op 29 Julie 1753 het hy met Maria Petronella JORDAAN in die huwelik getree, en tien jaar later, op 4 Desember 1763 is hy hertroud met Elisabeth Johanna BUYS. Net een seun is uit die eerste huwelik gebore. Hy was Louis Francois (1754), wat hom later op Swellendam gevestig het en op 20 April 1777 met Dina Elisabeth LOURENS in die eg verbind is.

Hierdie familie het sy oorsprong in Dijou, Frankryk. Die naam was, en word vandag nog in Frankryk, Tielhard gespel. Die eerste afwyking van hierdie spelling het gekom toe een van die familie tussen die jaar 890 en 900 na Loue verhuis het en die spelling Taillard gebruik het. In 1066 is een lid van hierdie familie saam met Willem die Veroweraar na Engeland as sy leërtesourier. Die Taylors in Engeland is afstammelinge van daardie Taillard. Onder Nederlandse invloed het die naamspelling later verander na Taljaard.

Is ongeveer 1780 uit die Kaap verban. [Die stelling word weerspreek deur navorsing; lees onder]

“Die AFRIKANER FAMILIENAAMBOEK & PERSONALIA” (1955) saamgestel deur J.H Redelinghuys
C.PAMA : Die Groot Afrikaanse Familie-naamboek (1983)

Pieter Conradie

Aanvullende data:

 Hieronder volg die gegewens:

Gegevens van Jacob Feiljard uit Doornik

Datum indiensttreding: 20-09-1748 Datum uit dienst: 21-04-1751
Functie bij indiensttreding: Soldaat Reden uit dienst: Vrijburger
Uitgevaren met het schip: Getrouwigheid Waar uit dienst: Kaap de Goede Hoop
Maandbrief: Nee Schuldbrief: Ja

Gegevens van de vaart
Schip: Getrouwigheid Kamer: Zeeland
Vertrek: 20-09-1748
Kaap: 05-03-1749 07-04-1749
Aankomst Batavia: 27-06-1749
Inventarisnummer: 13030
Folio: 159
DAS- en reisnr.: 3429.2

Sy naam is met 'n F gespel en nie met 'n T nie. Dit is waarskynlik 'n fout van die indekseerder(s) en staan nie so op die dokument nie.
Aaangesien die soldyboek uit 1748 dateer is blykbaar een van die vroegste variasies van Jacob se van "TEILJARD"

Corney Keller

Additional data:
Michael Taljaard: 25 Jan 2023.

1. Jacob Taillard married his second wife on 4 December 1763, and she was called Johanna Elisabeth Buijs and not Elisabeth Johanna Buys. I have a copy of their last will and testament dated 8th July 1766 before Abraham Faure, secretary of Drakenstein and Stellenbosch where her names are noted and signed.
2. “Is ongeveer 1780 uit die Kaap verban”
I spend about four years, hours and hours at the Cape Town Archives in Roeland Street, trying to find that the “1780, Kaap verban” can be proven. For the people that were banned from the Cape, there to be found and many documents to prove that and the processes that were recorded for them to be banned from the Cape, but not a single one where Jacob Taillard was Banned. The person who wrote that must have been confused that Jacob was given a ten year sentence on Robben Island.
I have 122 court documents where Jacob Taillard was in the court in three instances at the Castle of Good Hope. He won his first case in front of State Prosecutor Judge Sergiús Swellengrebel in respect of the farm Paerels Fonteijn case. Jacob Taillard versus Gerret Hendrik Eijskamp. (December 1754)
On 10th of July 1755, the court met again and then in the presence of Judge Sergiús Swellengrebel where this time both plaintiffs, Jacob Taillard and Joachim Johan Lodewijk Warnich were present to hear the outcome of their cases. Judge Swellengrebel read out the sentence to both parties that the claim of Jacob Taillard was not granted and that he would be liable for all the legal costs of the court. He won the first case but lost this one. He found himself liable to pay for the legal process in this civil case against Warnich. At that stage he was married for one year. He lost Paerels Fonteijn farm through a bet and he has a one-year-old boy Louis Francois, a wife at home Maria Petronella Jordaan. It is all through the advice of his unknown Law advisor that he in both instances made cases against the two different defenders. It is then the 10th of July 1755 and nowhere can we read or see that his law advisor was present or was even identified during Warnich trial and the Paerels Fonteijn trial. In the Paerels Fonteijn trial, Johannes Needer was the representative for Eijskamp and in the Warnich Trial, Needer is also the representative for Warnich.
Outside the “Raadsaal” Court, Jacob approached the judge and said he does not understand the sentence that was just read out to him. The judge explained it to him and again Taillard says he does not understand the sentence “vonnis”. For the third time the judge explained the sentence to him and said in the following words: “en welgemaale edel agbare Heer Profidant aan hem overspelz declaneerde dat aan hem Taillard sijnen Eisch was Ontslagt en gecondemneert in de Costen”. To translate: “and once more the honorable Judge spelled out the sentence to him, Taillard, and said that your claim was not granted and that you are liable for all the legal costs of the court”. The claim the Judge Swellengrebel was speaking about is that Taillard made a case of Injury (whatever Injury that might be, be it mental or physical) against Warnich (messenger of the court), that Warnich entered Taillard’s house without proper authorization. One thing is for sure, Jacob had a very short fuse. When things did not go his way, he threw tantrums, yelled, got irritable and lost his dignity. He did not only do that to normal people, but people of authority, the law. Individuals that could restrain you and lock you up, sentence you to do hard labour, punish and flog you.
Then Jacob Taillard made his prime blunder. What he voiced then costed him the start of a new criminal trial, a huge sentence, a sentence that perhaps shattered his existence, his career in the Cape of Good Hope. The verdict of civil case number two was read out to him by the judge and then Jacob raised his voice outside the court and said to Judge Swellengrebel extensively: “I thank you, it is right, it is a good law, it is a beautiful law, I can also say it that here in front of poor people; there is no law.” The Judge Swellengrebel must have rumored that Taillard had an audacity to say that to him as a Judge and believed he was acting willfully, envious and with a loss of civil respect to himself and the law. Swellengrebel was also the prosecutor in the Paerels Fonteijn trial eight months previously. Swellengrebel was the one that pleaded mitigation circumstances on behalf of Taillard. He possibly felt sorry for him as Taillard did not have a representative. Now Taillard was back again and are prepared to take Swellengrebel on. He knew Taillard well since that trial, knew how a farm was donated to him by the Governor and how he was forced to sell the farm, which he was not supposed to sell, as it was an inter living donation. Now this Taillard man dared to take him on as the residing Judge. Immediately the Judge ordered the messenger of the court to escort Taillard to the Torture Chamber of the Castle. As the messenger of the court escorted Taillard out of the court room, Taillard acted in a rough way, and he voiced loudly to the messenger: “You won’t get it right to hang me”. Taillard was very angry, and he uttered more gurgling words that the Honorable members of the court could not understand what was happening at that moment. He was acting like a lunatic, a crazy person, a person who lost control and did not think what he was saying.
Shortly thereafter the messenger of the court reported back. He confirmed that he as a messenger of the court, he was still under oath, and it was his task to report to the council everything that happened whilst he took Taillard to the Torture chamber. He reported that Taillard was shouting in an outright manner towards him and the honorable Judge outside in the grounds of the Castle on their way to the Torture chamber, attracting the attention of everybody. Taillard said: “they treat me as if I am a Judas. It is unfair what happened to me, but God will get the Judge and so will the devil also”. The messenger of the court told Taillard to stop speaking such blasphemous words and warned him that he would have to give notice to the council of what Taillard just said. What Taillard said and more what the messenger of the court reported, changed everything. Taillard was taken captive and was held in the Torture Chamber of the Caste until his new trial against him on 31st of July 1755. The Court carried on behind closed doors to note down the new information and to start a new case, a criminal case against Taillard.

Court of the Castle vs. Taillard, criminal case – The sentence
“He is dangerous instrument, moreover, known as a person as per the slight feeling of the Plaintiff, that he is a person who is not worthy to live in society with honest and brave members of the country. I must come to a conclusion concerning the good law that I have the power invested in me; the prisoner and defender Jacob Taillard from Doornik which is presented here in the Court can by definition receive his sentence from me, the honorable Judge (Swellengrebel) against defamation and insult as a criminal offence and will be sentenced as follows; firstly to be handed over to the Flogging Judge, to be fastened to a pole and to be Flogged “gegheesselt” with spikes on his bare back; secondly to be bounded in chains while doing hard work on Robben Island for the Company for the Castle for a period of 10 consecutive years without wages, him being responsible for costs and legal costs as right and fair as the Judge may decide.”
Presented in court), the 31st of July 1755
Jacob did only 8 years as on 4 December 1763, he married Johanna Elisabeth Buijs. He worked another 12 years of the Castle, voluntary or not, who knows but he had to pay for the legal fees of two trials he was found guilty of. I have a copy of the document where he retired from the Castle on the 1st of July 1775. He and Johanna Buijs had three more sons, Jacobus Louis Francois Taillard (1767), Matteus Johannes Taillard (1768) and Louis (1772). They resided in the Drakenstein (Paarl) Stellenbosch area. Researchers state he was deceased about 1780 in the Cape of Good Hope, (that cannot be proven). There is thus no proof that he was banned from the Cape. He did his sentence on Robben Island and came back and lived a normal life after that.



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