Hendrik was born in Ebling in the Kingdom of Poland in April 1712. He arrived in South Africa in 1738. He was a military officer. He married Francina CORDIER (*1723), the daughter of Philippus (1698-1783) and Elizabeth (Née MALHERBE), 1697-1783) in 1748.varaints of the surname is Tezner and Tesner. In South Africa the descendants of Hendrik mainly bear the surname TESNER. The meaning of the surname is: “A person who is Intuitive, spiritual and a decisive decision maker” Some documents show his name as Heinrich
b1 Hendrik Louis * 1749. He was known as Lowies.
b2 Hendrik Jacobus *1751, X Maria Catharina Christina van LOGGERENBERG (1768-1850) on 28 September 1783
b3 Simon Gideon * 1753
b4 Anna Elisabeth * 1755, X Anthonie de WEEGE
b5 Maria Christina* 1757, X Jacobus GELDENHUYS (1757-1836) in 1780
b6 Martha Magdalena * 1760 X Barend Adriaan Hendrik BEUKES (*1751) on 9 September 1782
b7 Elizabeth Louisa * 1762 X Hendrik KUUN (1762-1830) on 3 February 1782
Hendrik’s wife Francina died in 1764 and he married on 17 March 1765 Maria VERMEULEN (*1707). She was the daughter of Dirk Cornelis and Antjen (Née PIETERS) She was a widow (X Gideon de WEEGE) and one of her sons Anthonie de WEEGE, married Hendrik’s first daughter, Anna Elizabeth (b4) out of his CORDIER marriage. Hendrik and Maria had no children together
Maria died in 1781 and Hendrik on 13 June 1800
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