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Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d"Aigues in the French province "Provence", circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d"Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the "Berg China" that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT"s first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau"s husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.

In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.

Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:

1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde
2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691
3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux
4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham
5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie)
6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob
7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers
8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob
9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam
10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre
11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis

There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.

De Villiers/Pama
GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek

Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)

Thanks to submission by:
Adré Ellis webpage
AM van Rensburg



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