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Surnames H to J

HAVENGA Harmen Sybolts

Harmen Sybolts HAVINGA, born 28 Jul 1728, arrived from Oltambt in Groningen as a soldier in service of the VOC 1755. He was a servant at Barend GILDENHUIZEN, town crier at Stellenbosch 1775 and married Hendrina Jacomina (later Wilhemina) METHUYSEN on 10 Jan 1760 at Stellenbosch, she was the daughter of Justus Augustus Meyhuyzen and Geertruijt Visser.

The spelling of HAVINGA has, over time in South Africa, changed to HAVENGA.

b1 Barend Sybolt baptised Stellenbsoch 25 January 1761, X 17 March 1782 Sara Francina Maree
b2 Geertruy Alida Maria baptised 7 July 1765, X 27 December 1795 Leopold Mayer
b3 Hermanus Christoffel Sibolts baptised 10 October 1773, X 28 Sepember 1794 Geertruij Magdalena Groenewald

Lombard and Heese

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Adré Ellis

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