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Surnames D to G



JEREMIAH gebore 2 Maart 1801 te Great Marlow, Engeland. Kom na Suid Afrika as 1820 Setlaar op die skip Zoroaster in die Wait groep.
Sterf te Grahamstad op 29 November 1871.
Jeremiah se ouers-Thomas en Ann Goldswain -Engeland.

ELIZA GOLDSWAIN nee Debenham. Gebore 2 Augustus 1801 te Frome, Somerset, Engeland.
Sterf 20 Junie 1879. Kom na Suid Afrika as 1820 Setlaar saam met haar ouers Isaac en Mary Debenham in die Hyman groep.
Eliza en Jeremiah Goldswain trou in Suid Afrika op 21 Oktober 1822, in die huwelik bevestig deur Rev.Stephan Kay. 


1.William 1823-1898 trou met Sarah Meats. 2de huwelik Sarah Measom Barnes

2.Mary-Ann 1825-1901 trou met Alexander Erskine

3.Charles 1828-1851 trou met Arabella Hayward

4.Jane 1830-1890 trou met Samuel McArthur

5.Elizabeth 1831-1910 ongetroud

6.James 1833-1910 trou met Mary Ann Webber

7.Jeremiah jnr. 1836- trou met Zenobia Hazeldene

8.Sarah 1839-1900 trou met John Shone

9.George 1841-1898 trou met M.A. Humphries

10.Baba seun sterf 19 dae oud

11.Harriet 1844-1907 trou met John Welsh

Jeremiah Goldswain kom as 19jarige na Suid Afrika as 1820 Setlaar.

Jeremiah Goldswain se joernale, foneties geskryf in sy middel-Engelse dialek, het die belangstelling van taalkundiges sowel as historici gewek. Goldswain, 'n saër van Buckinghamshire, het in 1820 na die Oos-Kaap gekom. Die eerste deel van sy joernaal beskryf die aanvanklike probleme van die setlaars op die grens. In die tweede volume van sy joernaal beskryf Goldswain die toenemende spanning tussen wit en swart op die grens, sy ervarings as 'n handelaar, asook sy verhouding met sy eie familie, insluitende hul mediese behandeling. Sy joernaal is met 'nbekoorlike,naïewe openhartigheid geskryf.

( After thirty-eight years on the eastern boundary of the Cape Colony, he sat down to write his memoirs. It is a close-up view of four decades during a period when the British Empire was
expanding in southern Africa, with the borders being pushed ever farther into the hinterland by successive governors. As a result, there was constant conflict between the African tribes and the colonists. Jeremiah was directly involved in three of the nine Frontier Wars that occurred between 1779 and 1879. 

It is the story of hardship and the struggle for survival of Jeremiah and his family, his wife Eliza and their children, on one of the most volatile borders the world has ever seen. Even in peacetime the conflict and violent clash of cultures were constantly present and many settlers were murdered, including members of Jeremiah’s family. Through all this we see a man making his way in a world he could not have imagined while growing up in rural Buckinghamshire. He lived during an important historical time for South Africa, not only observing and fighting the wars, but meeting and serving with some of the most famous names in South African history. He saw, in detail, the effects of the Cattle Killing of 1856, the Boer uprising in the Orange River Sovereignty, as well as several other famous and notorious historical events. 

The text has been published once only by the van Riebeeck Society in 1949 and since then has been used by scholars and historians as a primary source. It has not been widely read, because Jeremiah had no education, and although he had an extraordinary ability to describe experience and express his emotions, he was a stranger to the conventions of written language. Ralph Goldswain has transcribed the original text into an accessible account of forty years of frontier history.)

Jeremiah Eliza horz
Jeremiah Goldswain and Eliza    and Jeremiah

Grahamstown journal entry
Jeremiah Goldswain 2

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