DU PLESSIS Jean Prieur
Jean Prieur du PLESSIS, gebore in Poitiers in Poitou in 1638, was 'n Franse Hugenoot en chirurgh. Hy het in 1688 met sy vrou Madeleine MENANTEAU ook van Poitiers op die Oosterlandt na SA gekom met een kind wat op die vaart gebore was. Hy het egter in 1694 teruggekeer na Europa op die skip Sir Jansland, omdat hy gesukkel het om 'n bestaan te voer as boer. Sy tweede vrou was Maria BUISSET van Sedan, met wie hy getrou het in Jan 1700 in die Domkerk, Amsterdam, en met wie hy weer na die Kaap teruggekeer het. Sy was 'n vroedvrou. Hy was gevestig in Kaapstad en het 2 kinders van sy eerste huwelik, en 5 van sy tweede huwelik gehad:
1. Charl (Carel) Prieur, * 1688 ~18 Apr 1688 wat ook later as chirurg gepraktiseer het. x 12 Jun 1712 Cecilia Marcevene + 18 Sep 1737
2. Jean Louis * 13 Feb 1691 ~ 25 Feb 1691 Stellenbosch + Waveren, Tulbagh x 5 Mei 1714 Madeleine Rousseau Kinders van sy tweede huwelik was
3. Judith * Ierland, 1694 tydens die terug rit na die Kaap x 29 Maart 1711 Ary van Eeden xx 14 Jan 1714 Jan Oberholster xxx 1724 Claas Donselaar van Gelderland
4. Marie * 1702 x 7 Nov 1718 Jan van Ellewee xx 31 Aug 1749 Johan Georg Zorn van Hesse-Nassau
5. Anne * 1704 x 16 Aug 1733 Johannes Frederik Bierman xx 17 Sep 1747 Johan Martin Vogel van Schnabelwald
6. Pieter * Jun 1708 x 21 Okt 1731 Geertruy van Deventer xx 17 Apr 1745 Francina Maree
7. Elizabeth ~ 31 Jan 1717
Marie Buisset trou die tweede maal 29 Maart 1711 met Dirk Smit, sy sterwe ongeveer 1751.
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
NOTE: added by Demornay du Toit, 3 February 2009
The above Stamouers entry lists Judith * Ierland, 1694 tydens die terug rit na die Kaap as the daughter of Jean Prieur and Marie Buisset, but this must be an error because Jean married Maria Buisset in Amsterdam in 1700, after which they returned to the Cape. According to French Speakers at the Cape (M Boucher), in discussing Jean Prieur du Plessis's return to Europe from the Cape (p.345):
"The movements of the family after reaching the United Provinces are uncertain, but it is known that a daughter Judith was born in Ireland - or possibly England - in 1694. Du Plessis may have joined the Irish settlement scheme for French refugees undertaken at this period, or perhaps had English family connections. The surname is not infrequent among refugees there: Francois du Plessis was the first chaplain to the Protestant Hospital in London which opened in 1718; Philippe du Plessis, like Jean Prieur a surgeon, lived in the Tower liberty of the English capital in 1702.
"Menanteaus, perhaps relatives of Jean Prieur du Plessis's wife, were still living in Amsterdam in 1699, while at Delft on May 6, 1691, the child Louis, son of Charles Marette and Judith (du) Plessis, was bapĀtized. Charles, with his brother Louis, had come from Laons, near Dreux, with Gedeon Malherbe in 1687, abjuring Calvinism in order to escape. Could his wife have given her name to Jean Prieur du Plessis's daughter? This family connection is merely conjectural, but what is certain is that Jean Prieur du Plessis was in Amsterdam by 1700 and that his wife Madeleine Menanteau had died by that date. His subsequent marriage to Marie Buisset in the Nieuwe Kerk of Amsterdam suggests that his wife's family had been long resident in the United Provinces."
It seems, therefore, that Judith du Plessis was the daughter of Jean Prieur du Plessis and Madeleine Menanteau.
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