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Surnames A to C


Stamvader Boy BOOYSEN was born in 1640. He came to South Africa from Barlt in Ditmarschen. He was a burger at Stellenbosch and since 1688 a burger at Drakenstein. On 10 June 1691 he married Hermina van NES who was from Wyk at Duurstede.

He obtained the farm Optenhorst JG le Roux states in Noorder Paarl: "Hierdie plaas is in 1713 toegeken aan Booy Booysen, oorspronklik van Barlt, "n dorpie in die deel van Holstein langs die Noordsee bekend as Ditmarschen. Hy was reeds in 1688 "n burger van Drakenstein en in 1713 "n bejaarde persoon van 73. Binne twee maande nadat Optenhorst aan hom toegeken is, verkoop hy die helfte daarvan aan Jean Louis du Plessis, tweede seun van die stamvader Charl Prieur du Plessis. Jean Louis noem sy deel van die plaas Olyfboom, maar koop in 1716 ook die oorblywende deel van Optenhorst van Booysen sodat die plaas weer verenig is"

b1 Leendert and has partner Aeltie Pieters
b2 Dirk, X 8 Feb 1733 Aletta Harmens
b3 Gerrit, X 20 Feb 1735 Johanna Durand
b4 Pieter
b5 Maria, X Hendrik Claasen

He died 1743 at the age of 103, at Stellenbosch where he was also a district councilor.

de Villiers and Pama, Genealogies of old S A Families 1981
Heese en Lombard

Thanks to research by:

Thanks to submissions by:
Mark Barker

BOIJESZ Boij - van Barent, soldaat, 1686
Source: Nationaal Archief: VOC
Volume: 1.04.02 (VOC 1602-1811),
Inventarisnummer: 5342,
Folio: 232

Bygedra deur:
Corney Keller

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