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Surnames A to C

BEYERS Andries

Andries BEYERS he arrived from Saxen as a soldier at the Cape in February 1672 on the ship Wapen van der Gouw. He was a knecht in 1672 for the wagonmaker Cornelis Wycksteyn. His wife Catrijn was the former slave woman Catharina VAN DE KAAP, they got married 21 March 1683. In 1683 Beyers were asked by the orphan chamber to look after the child of Petronella van Bengale.

b1 Elisabeth = 10 Oct 1683, X Christoffel Esterhuijzen
b2 Maria = 19 Dec 1683, X Jan Harmensz Harting, XX Jacob Vrey, XXX 19 May 1720 Hans Jacob Contermann
b3 Johannes Jurgen X 13 Feb 1717 Catharina Visser
b4 Christoffel = 14 Sep 1687
b5 Margaretha = 26 Feb 1690, X 16 Aug 1711 Leendert Oelofse, XX Esias Nel
b6 Susanna = 20 Jul 1692 jonk oorlede
b7 Susanna = 12 May 1696

Heese en Lombard
GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting

AM van Rensburg


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